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Walk in the Woods Photography, Woodstock Ontario

About Me

Who is Penny Nowak?  Writing about yourself is surprisingly hard, so I figured why not get my friends and family to tell you about me.  I asked for an interesting fact or story that they thought you should know… and this is what they said


First, let's hear from my Mom

"Penny is a great mom and very creative in her photography”

Aww, thanks Mom… I mean she’s my mom so she’s contractually obligated to say nice things… but, I am a mother to two adorable little monsters.


My Sister

“She can’t bake… once we were making a Boston Cream pie and for the icing instead of ¼ tsp of salt, she put in a ¼ cup”

Ok, my sister has a cupcake and cookie-making business Yes, Please Cupcakes, so I can’t compete… but I was 6 – cut me some slack!  


My friend Nathan

"Penny has an obsession with everything Reese's. It's to a point that it probably should be concerning, but as we all know... there's no such thing as too much chocolate and peanut butter”

He’s not wrong.


My friend Kate

"She’s blunt… like she isn’t afraid to tell you when your fly is down”

Zippers must be up for all photos.


My old boss Rich

“Penny's pictures give worth to thousands of words!"

Wow, that’s a cliché… he knows I hate clichés – well-played sir.


My buddy Eric

“Other than the Lane, she's the only Penny I know!  She's really lucky....(Get it...cause lucky penny)

I don’t think he understood the question…


My Husband

“She’s run 3 Half Marathons”

Yes… as well as Around the Bay 30k road race in Hamilton, twice!  Most recently in April 2019, and now I need to run it again to make up for my dismal performance haha.

So what have we learned?  I’m a mother of two, I can’t bake, I LOVE peanut butter, I tell the truth, I strive for fresh new creative ideas, I’m a runner, and I love dogs… ok no one said that but I thought it was worth mentioning :).

If you live in Woodstock or the surrounding area please give me a call, text, or email, I’d love to talk to you about newborn photography, family photos, or wedding photography. 


Penny Nowak

Walk in the Woods Photography


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